The BEST COURSE CHOICE for those with a book idea and a desire to get published!
In this lively and fun course, author and mentor Steve Alcorn shows you how to achieve success. During the past two decades, Steve has helped more than 30,000 aspiring writers structure their stories, and many are now in print. You can be next!
Books by your instructor, Steve Alcorn
Perhaps you've started already on your novel and have stalled out with “writer's block." Don't worry – we'll help you bust the block and get you writing again. Or you maybe you've finished your manuscript are shocked to find it simply lacks the pizzazz that'll put it on the bestseller list. No problem – we'll help you polish your manuscript 'til it shines!
Master Point of View
Get inside the heads of your characters and narrators by conveying their unique perspective. Learn to limit the scope of what each character sees and define the world for your reader. Using "Point of View," you can create horizons and funnel your readers' attention where you want it to be.
Use Dialogue that Engages
Not all dialogue is created equal. In this online course, you'll learn how to create cracking dialogue that can't be ignored. Here, you'll use dialogue to define character traits and perspectives. You'll also craft unique and definitive voices to match each persona.
Create Conflict, Mystery & Suspense
Unanswered questions are what keep readers interested. This section will show you how to develop lucid complexity, strategic foreshadowing, and fascinating relationships to entice readers to keep turning the pages.
Develop Structure and Pacing
Learn to save countless hours of revision by outlining plot points in the beginning. Write your novel using the tried and true "Three Act Structure" to control pacing and plot. The Three Act Structure gives your novel a polished and professional appeal, and you'll learn how to use it properly.
Be Your Own Editor
If you want your book to be taken seriously, you need a clean, compelling, error-free manuscript. This section will help you turn your draft into a polished and professional manuscript that agents are keen to read.
Get Published
These days it's not enough just to complete a novel. Every author needs a platform to sell their story. This section will outline the pros and cons of agents, and self-publishing / self-promotion, so you can choose the path that's best for you.
“My lifetime dream? Getting published. I don't need a 4-year Course!"
“It has been my life-long dream to become a published author but I had no idea where to start. I have an idea for a good book but needed guidance on how to write it. I took this course to get help, and I am truly impressed by the amount of information presented. I do not need to take a 4-year course on Creative Writing. I completed the course in a few months in my free time. I really loved the way Steve Alcorn presented the materials and the way he showed examples. Thank you Steve for this amazing course!" — Michelle Apolo
“I want to get published! But I don't know how…"
Thousands and thousands of successful authors started with no more than you: an idea and the drive to develop it into a page-turner. Your idea may be based in your own experiences or those of a relative or friend. Your book concept may be a complete flight of fancy, or a dramatization of a historic event. Maybe you'll write and publish a biography, an autobiography, fiction, non-fiction, romance, adventure, drama — it really doesn't matter WHAT kind of book you want to write, or what your book concept is. What matters is what you DO with your idea.
We break it down so you CAN write your novel
That's where our “Novel Writing Workshop" comes in. This fascinating workshop teaches you how to write a novel in six simple steps. We break down novel writing so YOU can do it successfully.
Our “Novel Writing Workshop" gives you lifetime access to 28 info-packed video lectures, and over five solid hours of knowledgeable instruction. You also become one in a community, all working hard to achieve the same goal: to write a novel and see it published. And you can browse and participate in all the discussions!
Learn novel writing in 6 simple steps
This is a lively and enjoyable course in which you will learn the ins-and-outs of not just the writing craft but the book trade, too. Hang on tight because you're going to learn all about both!
Step 1: You'll Plan your Novel
You'll learn the critical difference between a “plot" and a “story" and how to balance the two in your writing.
You'll see how-to (and how NOT to) examples of balancing plot and story from popular books and movies.
You'll discover the four Dramatic Elements that make EVERY great novel sizzle. And you'll learn to use any and all of them to increase the power of your writing.
Step 2: You'll Create Realistic Characters
You'll learn to recognize when a character lacks dimension and how to avoid the all-too-common pitfalls of poor character development.
Who's your Protagonist? What's his or her motivation? Don't skimp on this lesson — your protagonist is your main character.
You'll learn to put your Antagonist in conflict with your Protagonist. And you'll learn how to give him or her real dramatic power. And don't forget he or she needs a fatal flaw, too. You'll see…
Create an entire cast of characters to add dramatic interest, style, texture, flavor, and a sense of reality to your novel…and some comic relief, too.
Step 3: You'll Structure Your Story
You'll understand the “Three Act Structure" and see a graphic demonstration of the “dramatic curve" that underlies virtually all great writings, movies, and even story-telling.
You'll discover the three classic points to cover in “Act 1" to hook readers as soon as they've read the first few pages.
You'll learn the secret of keeping your readers engaged and excited as your novel become more deeply developed and filled with dramatic tension in “Act 2."
And you'll learn how to build to a dramatic, crashing conclusion in “Act 3". Our “big finish" technique makes reading your book an experience your readers will not forget…and which just might bring you critical acclaim!
Step 4: You'll Create Your Manuscript
You'll discover why professional writers repeat “Scene and Sequel" throughout their novels, and why you should, too.
No conflict? No novel. Learn why and how to create conflict three clever ways.
Learn how to keep your readers' suspense high without overdoing it.
Discover the subtleties of keeping readers glued by weaving mystery into your writing.
You'll learn to regulate the “pace" of your novel so it moves smoothly without dragging or hurrying unnecessarily.
Experiment with Viewpoint — learn three ways to present your tale's “view" so you can choose the right one in the right situation.
Learn to use Voice. Will you write with a light and airy voice, or a deep and resonant one?
There's much more in Step 4: You'll discover Tense — learn tools to write in past, present or future. Setting — learn how to make your readers actually “see" your novel's scenes. Learn about Dialogue — if your character's from Maine, can you give her a Down East accent? And you'll learn Beginnings and Endings: you need a strong start to your novel and a stronger end.
Step 5: You'll Learn to Polish your Manuscript
We'll teach you our “Write Big" technique that can turn a flat novel into a sparkling success.
And we'll teach you to “Write Well" — editing secrets that help you use the right words and language, and cut out the wrong ones.
Step 6: You'll Discover how to actually SELL Your Novel
We'll show you how to create the “collateral material" you need to promote and present your novel to publishers.
You'll receive our Manuscript Evaluation Checklist, your simple tool to make sure EVERYTHING'S ready for your publisher.
And you'll learn proven, insider secrets of how to actually get publishers to receive, review, and say “YES!" to publishing your novel!
What are the requirements?
- Open to all aspiring writers, young or old, experienced or just getting started
What am I going to get from this course?
- Over 28 lectures and 5 hours of content!
- Downloadable, printable handouts and exercises
- 28 Discussion Areas where you can share your work and get feedback
- Turn Your Idea Into a Novel
- Discover Your Dramatic Elements
- Create a Premise that Sells
- Develop Interesting Characters
- Construct Your Novel in Three Acts
- Learn How To Write Effective Scenes
- Explore Viewpoint, Voice and Tense
- Add Conflict, Mystery and Suspense
- Polish Your Manuscript
- Develop a Marketing Plan
- Get Published!
What is the target audience?
- First-Time Authors
- If Your Manuscript Needs Polish
- If Your Manuscript is Unfinished
- Authors Who Want to Get Published
Enroll in Course for $199
Your Instructor
Steve Alcorn is the author of many novels and non-fiction books. His publications include mysteries, young adult novels, a romance novel, children's books, history and non-fiction about theme park design, and the writer's guide How to Fix Your Novel.
Steve is also the CEO of Alcorn McBride Inc, the company that provides the audio and video systems used in nearly all of the world's theme parks. In his spare time he enjoys world travel, sculpture and music composition.
During the past decade he has helped more than 30,000 aspiring authors structure their novels. Many of his students are now published authors.
What people are saying... |
"This workshop was more comprehensive and helpful than the four years I spent in college as an English/Writing major. The value of this class is literally equivalent to all my student loans. Steve will even answer your questions the same day you ask them. Very very very well done. Just take it. You can't go wrong. You might even save thousands."
"What was originally a pipe dream is now a very possible reality thanks to this fantastic course." - Gemma |
"I am a published author and I learned quite a few new things in this course! I was very impressed with the instructor's level of knowledge and experience. I highly recommend this course!" - Michael |
"I am blown away by how educational and helpful Steve's course is. He breaks down every topic from how to build your characters and structure your story to how to improve your writing so people actually want to read it. I highly recommend his course to anyone interested in writing a novel." - Linzay |
"Thank you, thank you, thank you Steve! I have been writing since I was a child, own every book on writing known to man, taken numerous classes, video courses, seminars, etc. - Kim |
"Wonderful course! The most straight-talking, practical advice on novel writing I've ever experienced. Would highly recommend to anyone who's keen to write, but just can't get started." - Anna |
"One of the best courses I have taken on writing and has filled in more blanks than any have in the past. Steve's approach to writing instruction will give you what you need to finally make sense of it all!" - Jeffrey |
"The instructor's teaching style and the course's lesson plan is top notch! He provides clear examples and then gives homework that you can apply to your own book creations. Lots of useful information." |
"I have always wanted to write a book, but stress and not knowing where to start or how to divide up the work kept me from writing more than a few pages. Mr. Alcorn's class not only gives you a structure to follow, but he makes writing a book seem easy. I find myself racing with ideas after watching his videos. I've been writing some ideas and getting some chapters down, and people love what I'm writing! They beg me for more and this helps me believe I will publish someday. Also, there is the bonus of the awesome Hawaiian shirts he wears in the videos. Couldn't be happier with the course. When I'm published, I plan to mention in my book that this was where I started. Thanks, Mr. Alcorn!" - Tamara |
"If you don't take this [class], you may be one of the 99% who don't ever reach that goal you dream of. If you do take this course and absorb it, it is far more likely to reach that 1% who do. I'd brag more about this course, but I have to get back to work on my novel." - Rich |
"Steve is very clear and very precise with his explanations. I have learned so much about writing during this short course - time to revamp my entire book!" Update: "It has taken a few months, but my book is now finished and ready for publishing. Thanks to Steve (and this course), it is obvious that the final draft of my book is a significant improvement over the previous draft. - Mike |
"This is an excellent course. I appreciate the detail and step-by-step approach of how to write and improve my manuscript. After the first couple of lessons, I already knew where I had gone wrong in my writing and how to fix it. I am once again inspired to keep on writing. I like the examples that he provided. It was great to hear the passages of well, and sometimes not well, written book. I would recommend this course to anyone serious about writing and publishing a novel." |
"Before starting this course I read Steve Alcorn's How to Fix Your Novel. I loved that book. This course took me through the essentials of what I learned from the book. Steve's explanation of things is brilliant. His great voice makes the course all the more enjoyable. His insights into planning, story structuring, polishing, and marketing are indeed very useful. Regardless of who you are - a beginner, a seasoned novelist, a short story writer, or just a story enthusiast - I recommend this course to one and all. Thanks Steve for putting up this great course!" - Biswajit |
"The teacher is amazing! He takes you step by step through the novel writing process, is very easy to understand, and gives activities to do at the end of each lesson that help further your novel writing process. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone interested in writing." - Diana |
"I'm learning something that will help me fix my novel. This course covers all the basics but does not belabor the points. I got way more value for my buck than I expected." |
"You want to know how great and effective this course is? By lesson 22, I already had a complete outline for my 20 chapter novel. I just finished the course last night and today I'm going to start writing the first chapter of my manuscript. If you're a writer who needs a step-by-step guide in outlining your novel and making sure that every chapter is filled with stuff that drives your plot and not just fluff, then, you MUST take this course. Instant five stars for me." - Ahmad |
"The instructor is very knowledgeable and informative. He challenges the would be writer and helps them delve into the creation process of developing an actual novel. It truly is a workshop." - J Delaney |
"Steve Alcorn really breaks down the process of writing into easily digestible bits and provides a clear pathway for developing one's novel. It was a great course and I learned a lot." - Golda |
This has truly helped me on my writing journey. - Erica |
Enroll in Course for $199
Frequently Asked Questions
More than 10,000 students have taken this course, and rated it an average of 5 out of 5 stars. A few of our favorite student reviews:
"If you have an idea for a book, but just can't get it together, this is the class for you. Steve Alcorn gives you the tools and the confidence to pull your ideas together and give them structure. Before you know it, you are inspired and writing. What a class! Steve Alcorn is a gifted instructor."
"It was nice to have an instructor who wasn't afraid to have fun right along with the students. For me, it created a relaxed environment where even the smallest question never felt out of place or foolish."
"I've told people that this class was life-changing when it comes to my ability to structure and complete a work of fiction. I always became blocked and wondered how people knew where their story was going next and how to make sure they were headed in the right direction. This answered all my questions and forced me to get to work on my idea. All around fantastic - worth every penny!"
"Can you see me? I'm giving you a standing ovation! Haven't done this much thinking, rethinking, breaking pencils, and eventually cheering since I graduated from college. Thank you for an inspiring and brilliant class!"